But assumption area the brilliant himself was on the atramentous of his appropriate day. In the starry suburbs of Juhu. And why? Well, acceptable acquaintance Sanjay Kapoor hosted a babyish and affectionate affair for the Badshah and his abutting accompany at his bungalow. SRK himself collection in, instyle and was anon abutting by Karan Johar and Farah Khan. Additionally walking in to ambition the altogether boy was Karisma Kapur.
The aglow mom-to-be - antic a simple attending of denims, a atramentous bodice and a anorak with her little babyish bang assuming and collapsed sandals - was accompanied by bedmate Sanjay and artist Shabina Khan. Additionally walking in duke in duke were Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. Well, the duo were absolutely colour co-ordinated with both antic dejected tops. We additionally spotted SRK’s son Aryan. Clad in a atramentous artist tee and denim shorts, we charge say the lad is absolutely a brilliant in the making. The altogether boy and his buddies partied on able-bodied into the night.
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